Thursday, April 10, 2008

I can't stand people!!!

I just hate how there is no such thing as customer service anymore!!! I mean I just disconnected my sattelite service and there was a disconnection fee and everything that I already paid!! Then I get online to check my account and they withdrew $100 without even telling me!! SO I call and I'm like WTF. The woman was of course foreign and no help at all. I absolutley hate it when you can't even understand them over the phone. I'm not rasicst or anything it just really pisses me off. Anyway she says "ma'ma give me a minute to pull up you account" So I wait then she says" Well I see here where you have a credit of $100 would you like me to credit your account at this time?" so I get really pissed off and I say "I have a credit of $100 because the company just took it out of my bank account for no reason, hell yes I want a refund at this time!" She proceeds to tell me that the credit want get to me for 7-10 business days. What the fuck right?!?!? I mean they can take it out but they can't put it back. It's so fucking stupid!!!!!

And then, a couple of weeks ago my land lord re-did my patio which is really nice but he had to take down the fence that the sattelite was on and it cost me $30 to have some one come and put it back up. Well I told him and he said not to worry about it he would pay the $30. Then I get the bill and I had to pay the $30 so when I paid my land lord I just took the money out of my rent check. So when I was online today I see that he went ahead and took another $30 out even though I left a note with my check tellling him I left out the money you owe more for the sattelite thank you so much for resolving this. So I call him and ask him why he took that money. He says" I've been meaning to call you about that I didn't fully understand what you meant but you can just take the $30 out of next months rent" I said ok thanks.

So I call my husband and I was so mad I'm like what the fuck is wrong with these people!!!! I mean me leaving the money out next month is fine but it's the whole point that's what I was doing this month but he was probably just hoping i didn't notice. I hate people. But atleast I got everything fixed for now!!!

Sorry for the rant I was just really mad!

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